Updated: February 5, 2012

Peter M. Sandman
Risk Communication Videos
Published by the
American Industrial Hygiene Association

The four American Industrial Hygiene Association videos that used to be described on this page are now available without charge, so you no longer have to buy them from AIHA.

For descriptions with links to the videos (off-site) and audios (on-site):

To: Safety listserve
Subject: Risk = Hazard + Outrage video

I’ve used Peter Sandman’s video (on the above subject) with my staff and with my hazardous waste classes. The response is uniformly good. I think we have seen a real change in the way our staff deal with their clients. They think about how they will be perceived as well as how technically accurate they are.

When we began talking about reducing the number of film badges we issue (because we have tons of data for certain groups showing no exposure above background), one of our techs said, “I bet people will think they are less well protected if we take their badges away. We'll have to deal with that up front.” Things have worked reasonably smoothly as a result. I recommend this video highly.

Fay M. Thompson, Ph.D., C.I.H.
Director, Environmental Health and Safety
University of Minnesota

Risk = Hazard + Outrage: A Formula for Effective Risk Communication (1991)

Implementing Risk Communication: Overcoming the Barriers (1994)

Quantitative Risk Communication: Explaining the Data (1994)

Crisis Communication: Guidelines for Action (2004) (with Jody Lanard)

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